About jTable
jTable is developed by Halil İbrahim Kalkan and licensed under MIT.
Please write your questions, issues and feature requests to the jTable project under GitHub.
My personal web site:
Contribute to jTable
You can contribute to jTable to make it better. Here, a list of contributions those you can do:
- Localization: You can prepare localization scripts in your own language as like others have done. It will be included to jTable package with your name.
- Themes: You can prepare themes for jTable (by using jtable_basic.less as starting point).
- Help: You can answer questions of other users of jTable.
- Extensions/plugins: You can build extensions for jTable. See source codes to understand extension mechanism. Here, there is a tutorial for that. I will prepare a plug-in section in this web site to publish your extensions.
- Code contribution/fix: You can read issues and solve problems or advice for solutions.
- Tutorials: You can write some tutorials those explains usage of jTable.
- Server side codes: You can write some codes those explain server side usage of jTable in especially PHP, Java and other languages (While jTable is independed from server side technologies, it's good to show server side usage examples. But I have no experiences on all platforms to prepare server side examples. Most of server side examples in this site in ASP.NET MVC and Web forms, and a little in PHP).
- Advice: You can add your feature requests and advices here.